
San Lorenzo a Serravalle



The church of San Lorenzo is a sacred building in Serravalle, near Buonconvento. It is very damaged(a recent partial fall of the covering has made it unfit for use), the structure keeps the signs of the luminous eighteenth-century distribution of rooms, also underlined by the presence of the altars in stucco and the sculptures, originally in polychrome wood, then painted in white to imitate the plaster,in the past collocated beside the altar and today removed for security reasons. In the lateral altar, on the right, it was put a splendid seventeenth-century pale, today exposed in the Museum, which represented the Madonna of the Rosary with the Saints Domenico, Giovanni Battista, Caterina d’Alessandria, Caterina da Siena, Lucia di Astolfo Petrazzi.The church of San Lorenzo is a sacred building in Serravalle, near Buonconvento. It is very damaged(a recent partial fall of the covering has made it unfit for use), the structure keeps the signs of the luminous eighteenth-century distribution of rooms, also underlined by the presence of the altars in stucco and the sculptures, originally in polychrome wood, then painted in white to imitate the plaster,in the past collocated beside the altar and today removed for security reasons. In the lateral altar, on the right, it was put a splendid seventeenth-century pale, today exposed in the Museum, which represented the Madonna of the Rosary with the Saints Domenico, Giovanni Battista, Caterina d’Alessandria, Caterina da Siena, Lucia di Astolfo Petrazzi.
