
San Giovanni Battista a Modanella



The church of San Giovanni Battista is a sacred building in Modanella (Rapolano Terme). Already a Piccolomini patronage, Pio II transferred here the ancient cure of saint Lucia in Castelvecchio. The classical front and the bell tower in bricks and travertine date back to the restoration made at the beginning of the XIX century. The inside has kept the seventeenth-century furnishings. On the altar on the right there is a painting with the “Supper in Emmaus”, probably by Raffaello Vanni; the altar on the left, on the contrary, held a splendid painting of the Florentine school of the half of the XVI century which has been stolen; on the main altar there is a wooden crucifix on a canvas with the Virgin Mary, Saint Giovanni and Maria Maddalena of 1657, very venerated, to which it is dedicated the Indulgence Feast with the procession on the first Friday of March.The church of San Giovanni Battista is a sacred building in Modanella (Rapolano Terme). Already a Piccolomini patronage, Pio II transferred here the ancient cure of saint Lucia in Castelvecchio. The classical front and the bell tower in bricks and travertine date back to the restoration made at the beginning of the XIX century. The inside has kept the seventeenth-century furnishings. On the altar on the right there is a painting with the “Supper in Emmaus”, probably by Raffaello Vanni; the altar on the left, on the contrary, held a splendid painting of the Florentine school of the half of the XVI century which has been stolen; on the main altar there is a wooden crucifix on a canvas with the Virgin Mary, Saint Giovanni and Maria Maddalena of 1657, very venerated, to which it is dedicated the Indulgence Feast with the procession on the first Friday of March.
