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Farmacia De Munari - Proiezione Asciano

Farmacia De Munari - Proiezione
53041 ASCIANO, Via Martiri Della Libertà, 54
Telephone 0577 719567
Time: dalle 9,00 alle 13,00 e dalle 15,30 alle 19,30 - pomeriggio estivo dalle 16,00 alle 20,00
Closed: sabato e domenica
Website: http://www.farmaciademunari.it/
Business card (vCard)

In addition to specialty pharmaceuticals and over the counter, you can find everything from aid to sick people: Dietetic Foods, Shoes & Prosthetics, support tools for people temporarily or permanently disabled.
Also there you can find: a large assortment of cosmetics and children's toys, guaranteed in terms of quality and safety.
Recently, managers of Pharmacy have developed a digestive liqueur, based on wine and herbs, called "Vinpepato" that can be directly purchased in this store.
Service management is entrusted to the daughters of the owner, Dr. Giovanni De Munari, both pharmacists and always available to assist the customer in every need, with great professionalism and kindness.